Understanding Attorney-Client Privileges In Personal Injury Cases

If you have been in an accident that was not your fault, you need to pursue compensation for your injuries or losses. This is why you should hire a personal injury attorney. One of the benefits of hiring an attorney is the concept of attorney-client privilege. The following is all you need to know about this legal phenomenon.

What Is the Attorney-Client Privilege?

The attorney-client privilege arises when you consult your attorney for legal advice. It also applies when your attorney acts in a professional capacity and not as a friend. Furthermore, if you intended your communications to be kept private, a lawyer-client privilege is established.

When the attorney-client privilege comes into effect, your attorney cannot reveal any oral or written communication you delivered to them. They should not repeat any of your statements to anyone other than their legal team. You can decide to waive this privilege or permit your attorney to disclose information. Otherwise, this privilege remains in effect even when the relationship with your attorney ends and after you die. 

What Are the Exceptions to the Attorney-Client Privilege?

One of the exceptions of the attorney-client privilege arises when a client admits to their attorney their intention to commit fraud related to their personal injury claim. In this situation, an attorney is legally required to disclose this detail.

The laws on attorney-client privileges vary depending on your jurisdiction. Therefore, you should discuss all your concerns about these privileges before disclosing anything that will hurt your allegation.

What Are Duties and Responsibilities?

Although the attorney-client relationship is meant to protect your interests, you also have duties and responsibilities under this legal concept. First, you should provide as much evidence as you can to validate your claim. This includes documentation and photographs. Since personal injury claims take some time to settle, presenting this evidence ensures no facts are lost.

Secondly, you should be honest with your attorney. Therefore, tell your attorney the truth to help them build a strong case for you. Additionally, you should respect your attorney's time by attending all meetings and court proceedings. If you cannot attend these meetings or proceedings, notify them beforehand so they may arrange for a change of schedule.

Lastly, keep your attorney posted on any changes. This means if your medical state changes or new evidence is presented, communicate this as soon as possible.

When you hire a personal injury attorney, it's essential you understand the attorney-client privilege. Be careful with the information you reveal to your attorney. Additionally, make sure you choose an attorney who has a reputation for ethical and professional behavior.

For more information, contact a personal injury attorney near you.
